"if you cant find the time to do something right first time - when will you find the time to do it right the second time "

Friday, 1 January 2010

runners vs cyclists 2010

This is a fun mid winter race - half cyclocross and lots of running.

With the conditions being 3 inches of crusty frozen snow the runners had the advantage this year. The start straight we got ahead of them , suffered along the snow back to the stairs and by the top of the steep bank they had caught us.

only one thing to do in that situation .... keep pushing hard

I ran off from the top of the banking which is a slight incline that i could not ride up in 32:16 without the wheels spinning. This gave me a gap over the other guys on gears which i held through the bog and to the next steep icy climb. By this point i looked back and saw that Neill raitt had started to make ground on my on his CX bike.

on SS the only thing to do is push harder .... so i did and that they say is that .

runners won by 6 mins at just over 30mins but conditions played their part in that. i came in 14th as first cyclist at 36 mins followd by Mikey Milne and the doc in a sprint for the line in 39mins

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