"if you cant find the time to do something right first time - when will you find the time to do it right the second time "

Thursday, 17 July 2008

10 at kirroughtree

Teamed up with Mark Smith from ABCCC to compete here in the team "young whippersnappers" , due to my back not being fully recovered from the pounding it took at mountain mayhem three weeks ago

Traveled down on the friday night with Neil and Mike of ABCCC team "old whippersnappers" and did a slow practice lap where i earnt the nick name bugs...as in bugs bunny as no one else could see and i was riding like it was daylight

Mark was warned i was taking this as speed training for the SXC and that i would be giving it 100% every lap....so i did that

on the first lap me and an RAFCC rider stuck behind the pace car and ended up miles infront of the pack, i eased off slightly feeling the pace a little too quick for me.

I course its self was fooking ace the singletrack was in abundance and this allowed me to maintain a good placing through to the finish of the first lap where i came in third

handed over to mark with a swift change over in the pits.

Mark punctured. He tryed to straight line a corner that had a ditch in it lined with rocks.
swift change for him though and his use of C02 carts saw not too much time lost

the rest of the race saw us fighting to regain this time with the laps staying consistantly about 50-55 all day

we finished in 6th place in pairs

Mike and Neil finished 40mins down and took first place vets and 12th place over all (not bad given mine and marks combined ages (22 + 18) dont even make up half their teams age)

good event again by the no fuss team. and good scran by carolines kitchen

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