"if you cant find the time to do something right first time - when will you find the time to do it right the second time "

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Monikie Midweek duathlon series Rnd 3

the series finished last night with a final 5k run 20k cycle

as usual my run was sub par compared to the others and i was well down on the others.

[Me running like a spazzy]
good transition followed by me dropping my bottle and it bursting over the road led to me going out without fluid

a very windy road ride let me use my riding strength to my advantage and claw back about 10 places on the bike to finish 8th

this allowed me to finish 4th over all in the senior catagory.

Not bad for someone who runs like a spazzy taking a siezure!

Jayne came 2nd over all in the senior females so very very well done to her.

[Jayne running in the wooded section]

good efforts all round

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