Things aint bad out here - the digs aint the best but tollerable , much better than bumbles hostel in nelson anyway.
Looks like a nice enough place tbh , spanish colony , speak a mix of spanish , french and pigeon english - all of them at a speed that i cannot understand - bit like me speaking scots to them;)
not allowed to take photos - infact company policy is no cameras - i have my phone camera so if i feel safe i may take some but not likely anything outside of base or the digs
Managing to get out running after work - who knows what i might get up to when i get back , might be tempted to actually do some real running races -its something i mentioned before about wanting to be a better runner but dont have the time with cycling all the time. Might actually make me a better cyclist being able to run !
Very warm running out here though - 30degrees and 98% humidity last night - sticky !

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