My blue bucket has become a bit of a joke really. My wreakless abandon shows how much feeling i have my old 200 quid car ! If you raced at the puffer you may have chuckled at my parking half into a snow drift at the top of the fire road.
Fed up with its lack of locking , lack of windscreen washers ,Its ability to drink fuel like i drink milk (30mpg or less with bike rack on) and impending MOT i saved up some dosh and bought some new wheels !
Its a 1.9D peugeot partner van with 38k on the clock- its as slow as shit but returns 60MPG+ does 70mph and its comfortable for me at 6 ft 3. The hyundai required the seat right back , the back at 45 degrees and the sun roof visor open to stop my head touching the roof ! . Even then it was guesswork as to where the bonnet was as i couldnt see it ! 

The van swallows bikes effortlessly and keeps them protected from the salt on the road! i used to put my race bike across the back seats of the car for this very reason - it now has oily stains all over it !
Inside my 29er gary fisher rig - possibly the longest wheelbase in the world , and jaynes old scott - no bother - also has my kit bag in there and still had room to effortlessly take jaynes bag for 5 weeks away (the same bag i used for 3.5 months on the road) and its getting another bike put in there for tomorrows trip to innerleithen.
Thanks to pizza cutter front wheels and low power vs torque it handles starting on ice and snow no bother to my delight today as we negotiated aberdeen in what can only be described at chaos ... climbing hills with cars going in all directions trying to regain traction - 2nd gear no accelerator lift the clutch - zero slippage and she just cruised up.
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