"if you cant find the time to do something right first time - when will you find the time to do it right the second time "

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Drumtochty challenge

Arrived this morning in Fetteresso forest at 8am having worked 9am till 2am the previous day so felt a little tired.

Got signed in , marked up my map and went to sleep for 45mins while everyone else got sorted.

Sat in the "pits" Edinburgh bike coop had a tent offering free mechanics services. Which when confronted with a gear cabled snapped at the pinch bolt on the rear mech fell flat on its face which the mechanic proclaimed "i cant fix that ive only brought a multi tool"

so i stepped in in full angus bike chain regailia to then fix the problem by chopping a bit off the top piece of gear outer with my leatherman to give the inner the required length to work. under the watchful eye of the EBC mechanic. Turns out the guy lives local so i told him where i worked and it shall be in for full repair soon apparently.

Onto the race its self. The points were laid out by Brian him self this year and they were a little harder than previous years to find. But i found 10 of them , some of the bigger points this year upon cairn kerloch and its neighbours.

I wasted some time looking for the fabeled point 25 and failed. This caused me to be unable to get the transmitter mast at Durris. I did however get back to base on time in 5 hours exactly !

With a points total of 580 points i eagerly await the results to see how it fares against others.

On the whole my body did not feel good today. I found my self cramping up and i severerly bonked while riding the slug road ( a road that seems to find me bonking on it all the time as it is the return leg of my favorite local century). This is not a good omen 3 weeks before a 24 hour solo BUT to quote Neil Walker "a tired rider is a slow rider" and i certainly was a tired rider.

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